Monday, September 12, 2022

Boat Vs Plane Fuel Efficiency

boat vs plane fuel efficiency

Cunard says the ship burns 433 tonnes of fuel a day, and takes six days to travel from southampton to new york. if the ship is full, every passenger with a return ticket consumes 2.9 tonnes.. Sea conditions will affect the fuel efficiency of a planing-hull boat. rough conditions — leading to pounding or plunging, or forcing the vessel to slow and come off plane — can rapidly decrease fuel efficiency. planning your trip to take advantage of tides, currents and predicted winds can save fuel — and money.. Calculating a boats fuel consumption proves important to boaters for number of reasons. with knowledge of a boat's fuel economy-how much fuel the boat burns per mile or nautical mile of travel-boaters can estimate the range they can safely expect to run..

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boat vs plane fuel efficiency The fuel efficiency of a single-occupancy boat is highly dependent on the size of its engine, the speed at which it travels, and its displacement. with a single passenger, the equivalent energy efficiency will be lower than in a car, train, or plane.. Fuel economy in aircraft is a measure of how much fuel an aircraft, or a fleet of aircraft of mixed types, needs to operate in relation to a service provided (i.e. the number of passengers or ton of freight) and the distance between points of travel. it can be expressed in several ways, for example by the liters of fuel consumed per passenger per kilometer..



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