Monday, May 9, 2022

Splatter Paint Inside Boat

splatter paint inside boat

Re: duplicating "splatter" paint finish. texfish, years ago general motors used a "spackle paint" (it could be bought aftermarket, in a spray can) to give a splatter finish (multicolored) to their trunk interiors. i have seen a few boats with a similar finish on the inside of the hull, on rough fiberglass.. On a sidenote, i too performed a splatter paint process. i first painted the entire bottom of the boat's interior with a light gray paint. then i used "dupont spatter paint - gray w/ white fleck". one it dried completly, i painted it with rustoleum spar varnish to seal. i am very pleased with the results. regards, stevieb. Re: how to make paint 'spatter' finish like from the factory? there are a few ways you can do it depending on what you want it to look way is to take a wisk broom or a wisk brush and dip the tips of the bristles in the paint and dab it on.if you dont like the way that looks you can take a large paint brush and load it up with paint.take a piece of 2x4 wood and hold a piece of it just.

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splatter paint inside boat For interior finish, it seems that many manufacturers are using zolatone spatter paint, which has been used in car trunks for years. can this be touched-up if there's damage, or corrosion bubbling out from under it? to paint the inside of a welded boat with zolatone, the steps above are the 'right' way, and i am aware of claims for 'self. Stam zolatone works well on aluminum and would probably hold up almost as good on the inside of a f/g db. the nice thing about gel coat is that it's chemically the same as the rest of the boat and when used in new construction this chemical bond is a great advantage, little or no prep work is needed other than sanding off the unsightly or rough spots..



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